78 Days of Tarot – III The Empress & IV The Emperor

I am participating in the #tarot78days challenge which is being hosted by The Bookish Fox – instagram here and weblog here. You can read the first post in this series here.

For this post I decided to post The Empress & The Emperor together. I found these two cards to be the most challenging to draw so far. I am using coloured pencils and drawing directly onto loose-leaf A4 paper which isn’t the best quality for drawing. I might try some better paper for my next attempts!

Cat's Eye Tarot - The Empress & The Emperor

III – The Empress

This for me is a card that I struggle with. As a woman who has never felt the desire to have children and has no intention of ever doing so, ‘mother’ cards have little meaning for me. I can see how this card also represents home and the relationship with your mate and even the wider relationships with parents and in-laws. The only maternal-like instinct that I have is for my two furbabies, my cats; home is where my family is – my husband and our two kitties! This is a card that I need to reflect on and read more about.

Link to my Instagram post (interesting discussion in the comments): The Empress

IV – The Emperor

Hello! *Insert lightbulb icon here* Call it a beginners mistake, but this card taught me a lesson looking back to yesterdays card; the cards I draw are not necessarily about me – they can signify someone in my life. Yeah, I know, duh! right? I get it now. Gosh, I hope that doesn’t make me egotistical! I have only ever read for myself, so I naively wasn’t seeing the bigger picture. Back to the Emperor and his great self!

The Emperor knows his place and more, his duties. While he has responsibilities, he also knows that it is important to have a little fun and enjoyment accompanying duties so that life is enjoyable. The Emperor has much wisdom to impart when he is balanced; reversed he embodies the saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

Link to my Instagram post: The Emperor

Tarot Deck used: Cat’s Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin. Website: Cat’s Eye Tarot
Book Referenced : Tarot Wisdom by Rachel Pollack.