78 Days of Tarot – V The Hierophant

I am participating in the #tarot78days challenge which is being hosted by The Bookish Fox – instagram here and weblog here. You can read the first post in this series here.

Cat's Eye Tarot - The Hierophant

V – The Hierophant

This Hierophant is in a library, surrounded by collected knowledge and wisdom. To his right is a computer and to the left two books. The top book appears to read ‘Animal Behaviour’ while the bottom book is labelled ‘IV’, a link to the previous card of The Emperor. At the Hierophant’s feet are a set of crossed keys.

The crossed keys, two silver with a gold key in between could allude to two worlds or states; perhaps the conscience and unconscious mind. The two books represent the Hierophant and The Emperor working together to enforce the rules of behaviour, traditions and social conduct.

I find a librarian cat much more appealing than the traditional pope or priest. This version speaks of passing on knowledge and tradition rather than enforcing commandments from a religious ruler; this card is much more approachable.

Link to my Instagram post: The Hierophant

Tarot Deck used: Cat’s Eye Tarot by Debra M. Givin. Website: Cat’s Eye Tarot